Sunday, August 2, 2009

A doctor talks to 4-5 year olds

My mother, an ObGyn, led me to have an inordinate amount of knowledge about where babies came from at an early age. One day, she gave me a book entitled "a doctor talks to 4-5 year olds." This was supposed to describe in kid friendly terms how babies were made. I was already privy to one-sided phone calls asking "how dilated is she?" and "call me when the contractions are closer together." But this book was a little more basic...two photographs stand out in my memory: one was of a toad mounting its mate and the other was of the statue of David. My older sister and I enjoyed taunting my grandmother with these pictures especially the one of David (made even grosser because my mom was reminded of my dad when she saw the real thing). This game didn't last long though because my grandmother ripped the picture of David out of the book and flung the book across the room...all the while muttering in arabic about what my mother was thinking.

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