Sunday, August 2, 2009

Is that a kind of tree?

My father was convinced that every boy, man, grandpa, uncle, stranger had only one thing on his mind...if you guessed sex, then you're right! However his attitude was shaped not only by his extreme religiousness (Jesus said "if you even think lustfully about a woman, you've committed adultery with her in your heart) but his Middle Eastern upbringing where women were pretty much to blame for inspiring any kind of "lust." One of my dad's common lectures entailed my not becoming "an object of lust." Decent advice from a dad to his daughter, but a little creepy since I'd been receiving this lecture since I was about 8 (hence the virgin Mary swimsuit query). As I actually got to an age to even begin to inspire lust in men, this lecture took on a more serious tone: I was warned to not let any man make me his concubine, which he pronounced "con-cue-pine." As in, "if you go to Spain, how will you avoid becoming a con-cue-pine?" It was somewhat amusing, because I always imagined a Chinese dynasty or an Arab harem with genie outfits whenever he said that.

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